several months ago i wrote a substack post that became a tech twitter viral banger. it was my half-assed attempt to explain some niche humor popping off on twitter, but since our reality is actually quite deranged, it ended up linked to in the Atlantic and Vice News. the post got ~200,000 views and many people i ran into in the tech circles of san francisco, including random billionaires, had somehow read the blogpost and were acting like it was a serious think-piece.
the only downside is that it’s hard to follow up on a post with such outsized success. recently, bangers of much broader proportions snapped me back to reality. a wise man suggested that I make a purposefully shitty post to break the ice and get back to writing, so here it is.
enjoy this shitpost, big things coming soon™️
Jokes on you I loved it
sf is so back