the greatest master of both worlds was perhaps descartes. he was a first rate philosopher, first rate mathematician, and a first rate scientist. but more importantly, he built a bridge from shape rotation to wordcelling by introducing the cartersian coordinate system and beginning the system algebraic geometry. he showed us how to rotate shapes with words, and how to organize words with shapes.
Mmmm, there are differences between the left/right side of the brain. The Broca's area only exists on the left side and if you get a lesion there, you're going to have expressive aphasia. You're right that hemisphericity has been grossly oversimplified but the two hemispheres do function at least somewhat differently.
Actually what Roon should explain is why rotator/wordcel isn't exactly like Lbrain/Rbrain in that both have no scientific foundation, both arose out of observations with some truth which were then oversimplified and turned into pop-psycholgy themes, and both are mental crutches for those hoping to make things simpler than can be actually supported. It's also no different than Republican/Democrat, gay/straight, right/wrong, or any other binary distinction that could be useful to make a point or analyze something but fails as a full description of reality.
This is similar to philosopher Robert Nozick's discussion of "wordsmith intellectuals" in "Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?" His thesis discusses that wordsmiths do well in academia and are rewarded less for it in the market than they believe that they should be.
You, my good sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. No wait, scratch that. A wordcel and a rotator. Looking forward to more such wordcel ramblings. Subscribed!
Bro stop explaining the meme, you're scaring the hoes.
Damn dude you're a great long-form writer. Impressive!
the greatest master of both worlds was perhaps descartes. he was a first rate philosopher, first rate mathematician, and a first rate scientist. but more importantly, he built a bridge from shape rotation to wordcelling by introducing the cartersian coordinate system and beginning the system algebraic geometry. he showed us how to rotate shapes with words, and how to organize words with shapes.
If I ever fuckin read any more of this nerd shit I'm gonna take 21 shits and die
i love how this meme is entirely words and there are only fuzzy balls of conceptual context to rotate
good job boys, you’re definitely describing a real phenomenon and not relabeling a political compass again
what's the brain type that lets me remove this knowledge from my head. that's the one I wanna be.
the thinkboi kingdom welcomes its newest vassal
I thought we finally could move past left brain vs right brain bullshit... Guess it's just part of the eternal discourse
roon should explain why shape rotation vs. wordcel isn't just left vs. right brain
left brain vs. right brain aren’t even real, ask a neurologist born after 1960
it’s just dumdum culture war
Mmmm, there are differences between the left/right side of the brain. The Broca's area only exists on the left side and if you get a lesion there, you're going to have expressive aphasia. You're right that hemisphericity has been grossly oversimplified but the two hemispheres do function at least somewhat differently.
excellent choice, both broca’s area and wernicke’s region, two famous language centers, are in the left brain
(but lateralized differently in different people)
(the right brain if you’re left-dominant)
(sit on that shape and rotate)
Actually what Roon should explain is why rotator/wordcel isn't exactly like Lbrain/Rbrain in that both have no scientific foundation, both arose out of observations with some truth which were then oversimplified and turned into pop-psycholgy themes, and both are mental crutches for those hoping to make things simpler than can be actually supported. It's also no different than Republican/Democrat, gay/straight, right/wrong, or any other binary distinction that could be useful to make a point or analyze something but fails as a full description of reality.
This is really good; you should write more.
This is similar to philosopher Robert Nozick's discussion of "wordsmith intellectuals" in "Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?" His thesis discusses that wordsmiths do well in academia and are rewarded less for it in the market than they believe that they should be.
You, my good sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. No wait, scratch that. A wordcel and a rotator. Looking forward to more such wordcel ramblings. Subscribed!
I've been waiting for this to drop, and it only took people with a combined net worth of 1.6 billion dollars to notice. Nice.
So rotators are necessarily prone to schizophrenia and religiosity?
…and wordcels to autism and atheism?
This would suggest a natural alliance between physics, artists, and religion
God is in the realm of the unknown, beyond explicitly formalized knowledge. He is rotating in infinite-dimensional space.
Nope. It's the contrary. Schizos and religious people = wordcels
This manages to be funny and profound. And as a wordcel I love these terms for the sheer delight they take and inspire. Keep up the madness.
Solid long-form writing dude, seriously. Subscribed :)